Informatics A: Information Technology for Communication
5 points (= 7,5 ECTS-credits) Study period: Autumn 2001
The aim of the course is give the students
an understanding of the social and technical aspects of
the use of information technology for communication in modern
society. Different application areas such as cooperative
work, electronic information interchange and electronic
publishing are presented and discussed. An introduction
to datakommunikation and computer networks is also presented.
The course covers large scale nets such as the Internet
as well as company based intranets and discusses the social
consequences of their use.
For further information please contact:
John Cumberbatch Department of Informatics. Phone: +46 90 786 56 61
Fax: +46 90 786 65 50 E-mail:
Informatics C, Bachelor's Paper
10 points (= 15 ECTS-credits)
Study period: Autumn 2001
Study period: Spring 2002
The aim of the course is to give
the students an opportunity to improve and apply, independently and critically,
their knowledge of the subject. They are also given the chance to learn and
practice investigation and research, which gives them a platform for research
in the field. This course is a prerequisite for students who intend to take
a Bachelor's degree with a major in Informatics.
Assessment: The work also includes
the choice of a subject and formulation of problem, aim, and limitation. The
research paper will be presented in a seminar using the opponent/respondent
model and defended at a seminar. The work will be examined by a group of supervisors.
Prerequisites: Informatics and
Information Systems B-level or equivalent.
For further information please contact:
John Cumberbatch
Department of Informatics.
Phone: +46 90 786 56 61.
Fax: +46 90 786 65 50
Informatics C, Information Systems and
10 points (= 15 ECTS-credits)
Study period: Autumn 2001
Study period: Spring 2002
The aim of the course is to give
the students an in depth knowledge of informatics, improve their ability and
skill to analyze and design information system for organizations, enable them
to understand better the importance of information and information systems to
the various activities of organization! and give them a platform for research
in this field.
The course consists of the following two modules:
Module 1: Information Systems and
Organizational Change, 7,5 ECTS credits
The aim of this part is to improve
the students ability to identify and analyze problems in areas, where changes
are needed and information technology is of vital importance. This entails change
oriented work.
Module 2: Distributed Computing systems,
7,5 ECTS credits
The aim of this part is to improve
the students' knowledge of operating systems, data communications and databases
as applied to the design and use of distributed computing systems. The course
also studies how information technology can be used by organizations to increase
effectivity and to obtain competitive advantage.
Assessment: Usually a written examination
and compulsory computer laboratory works, oral presentations and/or papers.
Prerequisites: Informatics
and Information Systems B-level or eguivalent.
For further information please contact:
John Cumberbatch
Department of Informatics.
Phone: +46 90 786 56 61
Fax: +46 90 786 65 50
Informatics D: Master's Paper
10 points (= 15 ECTS-credits)
Study period: Autumn 2001 Study period: Spring 2002
The aim of the course is to give
the students an opportunity to apply a scientifically oriented perspective to
the formulation and solution of problems within the field of informatics. The
course consists of choice of suitable field of study, problem formulation, aim,
limitation and solution. The results are presented in the form of a research
Assessment: The research paperwill be
presented in a seminar using the opponent/respondent model
and defended at a seminar. The work will be examined by
a group of supervisors.
Prerequisites: Informatics and Information Systems
C-level or equivalent.
For further information please contact:
John Cumberbatch
Department of Informatics.
Phone: +46 90 786 56 61.
Fax; +46 90 786 65 50
Informatics D: Capturing the Use Context
of Computer Applications
5 points (= 7,5 ECTS-credits) Study period: Spring 2002
Information technologies (IT) often
fail because they do not fit into the real-life context in which they are used
by individuals and organizations. It is not surprising, therefore, that the
notion of context is currently of central concern for many researchers and developers
of IT. A number of ideas and approaches have been proposed to understand the
nature of context of IT. The course will cover the current approaches to the
context of IT, including. among others, cognitive science, ethnomethodology.
situated actions, participatory design, and activity theory. Students will acguire
an understanding of the main perspectives on the problem of context. They will
also be introduced to a number of practical techniques, including task analysis,
design rationale, contextual design, and the Activity Checklist. The focus
of the course is on the notion of context and its implications for evaluation,
design, and customization of IT,
Prerequisites: Informatics and
Information Systems C-level or equivalent.
For further information please contact:
John Cumberbatch
Department of Informatics
Phone: +46 90 786 56 61.
Fax: +46 90 786 65 50
Informatics D: Design
of Inquiring Systems
5 points (= 7,5 ECTS-credits) Study period: Spring 2002
The course is an extension and adaption
of the dialectical social systems science approach advanced originally at the
University of California at Berkeley by C. West Churchman in the "Design
of inquiring systems" (Basic Books. 1971). It aims at applications to the
information technology and computer field in terms of development and evaluation
of information systems and computer artefacts that are characterized along five
main archetypes or ideal types: logical, factual, representational, dialectical,
and evolutionary. Main past and present trends in the field such as management
information systems, databases, artificial intelligence and decision support
systems, computer supported cooperative work, virtual reality and electronic
communication and processing networks, are related to the archetypes by means
of case studies and illustrative examples. An attempt is also made to use individual
course work to produce papers that enhance the psychosocial and political dimension
in its relation to aesthetical dimensions as found in hypermedia, ultimately,
to ethics. ]
Informatics and Information Systems, C-level or equivalent.
For further information please contact:
John Cumberbatch
Department of Informatics.
Phone: +46 90 786 56 61.
Fax: +46 90 786 65 50
Informatics D: Trends in HCI Design
5 points (= 7,5 ECTS-credits) Study period: Autumn 2001
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
combines experimentation, observation and artistic creativity in attempts to
design more usable, more pleasurable, or more productive ways for people to
interact with computer-based systems and appliances. The course covers the history,
state-of-the-art and likely future trends of this fast-moving fields. Menus,
grapmcal objects, speech recognition, and hand gestures are a few of the approaches
that have found acceptance as styles of interaction. HCI design is also central
to recent technological developments such as hypertext, multimedia, virtual
reality and cyberspace. The course is focused at the level of the individual
user, and relates HCI techniques, and the way these have developed overtime,
to user tasks, preferences and behavior.
Prerequisites: Informatics and
Information systems, C-level or equivalent.
For further information please contact:
John Cumberbatch
Department of Informatics.
Phone: +46 90 786 56 61.
Fax: +46 90 786 65 50
Informatics D: Virtual
Design and Utilization
5 points (= 7,5 ECTS-credits) Study period: Autumn 2001
A new form of exisence is emerging
in the shape of virtual worlds, places and arenas. The purpose of this course
is to generate understanding and knowledge about what characterises virtual
existence and how this existence can and should be designed. During the course
the studens will engage in qualitative and comparative studies of virtual arenas.
The purpose of the course is also to introduce the participants to design and
construction of virtual worlds. Through all the activities of the course there
will be a continious development of a theoretical framework in order to explain
and understand the phenomena.
Prerequisites: Informatics and Information Systems
C-level or equivalent.
For further information please contact:
John Cumberbatch
Department of Informatics.
Phone: +46 90 786 56 61.
Fax: +46 90 786 65 50