
Tempus JEP-26079-2005 project summary:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project ID JEP-26079-2005
Project Type Tempus 2005 Training Courses for Institution Building
Target Country RU
Title Development of distance vocational training system for public servants of distant Siberian municipalities
Objective To develop and launch a distance training system for vocational training of municipal servants from distant Siberian municipalities in the sphere of Territorial Development according to European standards by December 2009
Subject area T869 - Other
Duration 3 years
Tempus Grant 460,120.00 Euro
Co-financing 25,000.00 Euro
Grantholder Mr Sueli-Zakar Istvan, DEBRECEN UNIVERSITY, 1 Egyetem ter - 4010 Debrecen 9, Hungary
Co-ordinator Mr Yelkin Vladimir - Baikalsky State University of Economics and Law, 11, Lenin Street - 664003 Irkutsk , Russian Federation




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