Presentation of the consortium
UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN (Hungary) is one of Hungary's oldest and most traditional institutions. The roots of higher education in Debrecen go back to the establishment of the College of Divinity in 1538. In January 2000, the universities in Debrecen merged, becoming the University of Debrecen. The newly created university complex has many faculties: Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Economics, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Health, Engineering, Education, Academy of Music, and Institute of Law. |
The basic requirement of the trainees belonging to the educational framework of social geography (human geography) and regional development is to form a scientific synthesis in the form of a modern curriculum which is destined to provide an answer to the challenges set by the extremely rapidly changing social, economic and political environment and to mediate it towards the students. The Department of Social Geography and Regional Development Planning is responsible for 30% of the required and optional subjects announced for the geography teachers and specialised geographers. The teaching of half of the 15 subjects forming the spine of the training of the regional and settlement development geographers is also carried out within the frames of this department from the mid-nineties. The courses for regional and settlement development geographers train experts for the local and regional self-governments and other administrative bodies/institutions. The curriculum includes subjects from the administrative, technical and legal areas as well as social geography, administrative and sociology studies. |
The lecturers of the Department regularly assist the educational activities of the other faculties and departments of the University of Debrecen, and assist in the educational activities in Hungarian language in the higher education institutions abroad (e.g. Oradea, Cluj Napoca, Mircuea Ciuc). |
One of the most recent programmes launched by the Department is the training of urban and regional development experts in co-operation with the Universite Paris IV Sorbonne. Lecturers from both La Sorbonne and the University of Debrecen participate in the educational activities. |
The University of Debrecen together with the University of Paris-Sorbonne offer the international Degree course: ° DESS Territorial Development in the European Union (French-hungarian vocational qualification) course, operated by La Sorbonne University in partnership with Debrecen University and West-Hungary University (in Budapest) |
Heir to one of the oldest European university, the University of Paris-Sorbonne has for over twenty years a joint continuous education division, which offers everyone, of any age and level of education, courses that are adapted to the contemporary reality. The totality of knowledge and expertise, available at one of the most prestigious universities in the world becomes accessible to those who need it to adapt to a new professional environment, to progress in their career, or more generally, to have the indispensable tools to face the challenges of the present day. The DESS (Vocational degree awarded post M.A.)/ DESS (Diplome d’Etudes Superieures Specialisees) fits into the third cycle of higher education in France. It recognizes success in a specialized programme, which prepares students directly for professional life. The University of Paris-Sorbonne offers DESS in following spheres:
Development and urban planning; Information society and language engineering; Information and communication Techniques.
The Institute of Urbanism and Urban Development of the University of Paris IV, rooted in the ’literary’ university where all aspects of culture and civilizations are submitted to in depth study, establishes the close relations between professional organizations and, particularly, the French Society of Urbanists (Societe Francaise des Urbanistes). This institute offers an exceptionally complete range of second and third cycle degrees. |
The Institute of Urbanism and Urban Development of the University of Paris IV establishes the close relations between State administrations, Local authorities, professional organizations, and among these, particularly, the French Society of Urbanists (Societe Francaise des Urbanistes). The Institute offers an exceptionally complete range of second and third cycle degrees with:
- Licence and Maitrise in Urban and Regional Development (2nd cycle)
- DESS Regional and Urban Development (post-graduate vocational qualification) course
- DESS Territorial Development (post-graduate vocational qualification) course
- DESS Territorial Development in the European Union (French-hungarian vocational qualification) course, operated by La Sorbonne University in partnership with Debrecen University and West-Hungary University (in Budapest).
- DESS The Transport, Communication and Logistics of international exchanges (post-graduate vocational qualification) course
- The Magistere Management and Urban Development of Space and Territorial Communities (post-graduate vocational qualification) course.
- DEA Urban Developpement, Urbanisme and the Dynamics of Space (Paris I and Paris IV)
Facing deep changes in their socio-economic environment, French cities and regions are speeding up the modernisation of their services and massively investing in various training schemes. For the last 20 years, CNFPT has been supporting these authorities throughout the different stages of these programs: consulting on organisation, assisting the definition of training schemes, designing adapted pedagogic programs and setting up particular activities.
Leaded by elected representatives and managed by territorial civil servants, the French local authorities have a solid experience in the management of local affairs. Over the last decade, decentralisation has improved the dynamics of the local public sector by giving it new powers. Many French local authorities are presently opening up to international co-operation through the transfer of expertise and the organisation of projects focused on satisfying people's needs.
Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale (National Centre for Local Public Officers), created by law on 26 January 1984 (superseding and replacing CFPC, created in 1972), is a public organisation with national coverage of all French organisations, municipalities, departments and regions and extensive expertise in training and local management in France. CNFPT contributes its know-how and skills to all areas in which Local Organisations are involved and for all established and non-established personnel, i.e. 1,700,000 civil servants. A part from its management tasks, it arranges:
- preparation for government entry competitions for all categories of personnel;
- post-competition training prior to establishment in higher category posts (attaches, administrators, engineers, senior engineers), at the Ecoles d'Application des Cadres Territoriaux (Practical Training School for Local Executives) (Nancy, Angers, Montpellier); for middle management, training is given to regional delegations;
- continuous Training (improvement, sensitisation, recycling, etc.),
- thousands of training placements, symposia and seminars are organised for civil servants in local organisations throughout their career. In addition, there is a cycle of "local management for executives discharging general management duties" (Institut National d’Etudes Territoriales in Strasbourg).
Eventually, along with training organisations from other European countries, CNFPT is actively involved in a specialised network with/in the Council of Europe.
The Department of European and International Activites of CNFPT - France is operated by a team of polyvalent project administrators who remain in constant contact with the world of local affairs. Each and every one participates in conceiving, carrying out and monitoring projects in all areas related to local management and training techniques, e.g. urban development, water, transportation, environment, finance, staff management, organisation of services, office technology, communication, social and cultural affairs, health and economic development. The local setting and the work of CNFPT's and local units’ professional experts contribute to the development of international action in the form of: otechnical assistance missions, consulting and training schemes in the field, odevelopment of international partnership networks, oreception of delegations and trainees from all countries.
Over the last 20 years, CNFPT has been able to draw on engineering training expertise from daily contact with administrators and managers within French Local Organisations. Bolstered by this expertise, the institution has extended the field of its involvement to southern countries (Middle East, Africa, South America) and more recently to Central and Eastern Europe (e . g in Poland, CNFPT, member of a French/Irish/Portuguese consortium, lead, for 2000 to 2002 a twinning project , with the Polish National Committee for European Integration. The consortium includes also the National Administration School (Ecole Nationale d’Administration).
IRKUTSK REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION (Russia) is a regional government, which is responsible for regional development, economic growth and raising the citizens’ level of life. Irkutsk Regional Administration is also in charge with a successful realisation of a municipal reform in the region. It’s interested in preparing a qualified staff for local administrations. Central Adminustrative Board On Municipal Affairs of Irkutsk Regional Administration aimed at coordinating and organizing of regional and municipal governments' cooperation. One of the main goals of its activity is to represent municipalities’ positions and promoting their interests while communicating with the State Government. Another important goal is to collect and distribute the best practice examples among local authorities to provide them with good experience examples of their functioning. Central Adminustrative Board on Municipal Affairs supports working contacts and information exchanges leading to the improvement of management in local governments. These days Central Adminustrative Board on Municipal Affairs contributes to local self-governance reforming by developing model laws and instructional materials for newly established municipalities. This body can be a perfect intermediary and assistant between the University and municipalities in organizing an audit of training needs of targeted municipalities and in organising distance training for local governments. Irkutsk Regional Administration has a strong cooperation links with the Baikal State University of Economics and Law. The Regional Administration orders vocational trainings of its public servants to the Center of Vocational Training of BSUEL.
ASSOCIATION OF MAYORS OF I'LLE-DE-FRANCE (FRANCE) is a interlocutor privileged of public powers in the discussion about a regional development. l’A.M.I.F. is becoming more and more representative because more than 80 % of regional communities are its members these days. It presents interests of local communities within the process of regional planning. Once it was established, l’A.M.I.F. has devoted itself to the representation of communities’ of Elus de l’Ile-de-France positions and interests while resolving such common problems as new information and communication technology, problems of security, housing, transport, rural development and financing. Another important aspect of l’A.M.I.F. attention is a management of communities. L’A.M.I.F. creates a friendly atmosphere for Mayors and it offers them the opportunity of frequent meetings like small “working breakfasts”, colloquiums, study tours, visits of sites, etc. L’A.M.I.F. has strong cooperation links with the University of Sorbonne and Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale in order to provide its members with best services like consultancy and vocational trainings. L’A.M.I.F. can present examples of best practice of organising of municipal servants’ vocational trainings and establishing of effective cooperation between communities and eduacational universities/institutions.