on the visit to the University of Paris-Sorbonne (France)
of Natalia Bogomolova, Victor Martynikhin, Tatiana Sorokina, Elena Bakhtairova, Maria Vikhoreva, and Olesya Baklashkina lecturers of Economics and Public Administration Department of Baikal State University of Economics and Law (Irkutsk, Russia)
Tempus project IB_JEP-26079/2005
30 Apr – 06 May 2009
The main object of their visit to the University of Paris-Sorbonne was to establish contacts with the lecturers and to collect the necessary information for creating of learning courses for municipal servants distance training.
The meetings and discussions were held with: Michel Carmona, director of Institute of Urbanism and Regional Planning of University of Paris-Sorbonne; Jean-Antoine Duprat, delegate of National Cities-Net Club, Alain Bournazel, University of Paris-Sorbonne; Jean Girardon, President de la Comission des Finances, President de la Communaute de Communes, “Autour du Mont-Saint-Vincent”, Maire de Mont-Saint-Vincent; Christel Bresson-Duret, Chargee de Communication Master 2 Communication des Collectivite’s Territoriales CELSA – Paris Sorbonne Paris IV; Djamel Hamadou, architect from Rosny-sous-Bois; Beatrice de Lavalette, Adviser to Ambassador French Government Delegate to the ILO; Arch. Anne Bouche-Florin.
Topics of the third project year are as follow:
- Community Development
- Place Marketing
- Tourism and Culture in Territorial Development
- Organisation of Services
- Finance Management
- Urban Design
Russian professors had visited the library looking through the books and e-sources in order to develop the curriculum.