Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law
Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics
and Law is the largest center in the Russian Far East and
the only Institution of Higher Education training highly
qualified specialists for all areas of Economy, Management
and Law. Today it is one of the most prestigious and respected
Higher School in the Russian Far East.
Future certified specialists in Economics, Law, Management,
Banking, Insurance, Accounting, Auditing, Statistics, nternational
Business, Commerce and Marketing are trained here. Academy
has a Military Department where students acquire additional
qualification of Military Financier. High scientific potential
and deep professional skills of Academy's staff, thorough
fundamental specialist training contribute into the Academy's
image of a solid and authoritative Higher Education Institution.
Every second academic staff member has a scientific degree
and a title. The teaching process is organized in such a
way that it meets State Educational Standards Board requirements
in terms of specialist training. Academy provides post-graduate
studies, doctoral studies; it has Dissertation Council for
defending dissertations for Candidate of Economics.