

Quality control and monitoring:

7. Quality control and monitoring

Quality Control Panel will be set up by March 2007 to exercise supervision of planned measures realising and to provide effective control of the quality of courses developed and trainings delivered. The Quality Control Panel wiil be formed, first, of representatives of all European project participants (1 representative from each partner) and, second, of senior staff members of Irkutsk Regional Administration (2 persons) and municipal administrations (6 persons). Face-to-face meetings of the Quality Control Panel’s members will take place twice a year to discuss project realisation problems and determine ways of resolving. Members of the Panel will keep in touch with each other in the course of the project life-time through Internet.

The Irkutsk Regioanl Administrations will evaluate all the courses developed and will control all the trainings delivered by checking the trainees’ feedback and by communicating with municipal administrations and asking their heads for the feedback as well. It is planned that the Regional Administration will confirm the quality of courses by issuing official resolutions.

28 April 2008

1) The face-to-face training for 26 municipal servants for 2 weeks have been delivered by Russian trainers who were trained in EU Universities/Institutions.

2) The nformatics training concerning specific issues of distance training for 1 week  have been delivered for professionals from 9 Siberian district municipalities delivered by Russian trainers from Baikal State University of Economics and Law.

This kind of training was aimed at testing newly developed training courses and getting a feed-back from trainees. The testing and introducing of newly developed courses have been realized during these trainings.

The full information on the training see at the section dedicated to a proper Project Activity.


Training participants have filled next Questionnaire and Follow-up Questionnaire





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