8. Management.
Concrete measures will be taken in the planning and reporting of activities to ensure outputs and outcomes to be achieved. Written reports will be required at planning meetings and at other times throughout three project years.
Coordinating meetings of 1 week duration in the European Community countries for coordination, planning, monitoring and quality control activities will be hold every project year. 4 Russian and 4 European coordinators and project managers, and 2 Quality Control Panel’s members from Siberian municipal administrations will take part in these meetings every year.
Project outputs/outcomes monitoring and control of activities
The local coordinators and project managers of all the Universities/Institutions will manage the realisation of the project by organising project activities, selecting qualified staff members to participate, controlling of duty performance and evaluating achievements.
The decision-making process will include detailed consultation with all project partners and decisions will be made jointly. The project budget will be discussed at planning meetings and all the financial decisions will be jointly agreed. Monitoring will be undertaken by all project partners and especially by the Quality Control Panel. Monitoring reports will be prepared to all planning meetings.
The progress regarding to a timetable and achievement of key outcomes and outputs will be reported at coordinating meetings and problems will be discussed and solved by all the partners and members of the Quality Control Panel.
Coordinating meeting are scheduled also as part of the Dissemination conferences to make use of these natural opportunities for the Quality Control Panel’s members to discuss face-to-face all the project realization issues.
While planning meetings are supposed to be the main instrument of quality and progress control, regular written liaison will require reporting of activities and answering of questions posed by Grant Contractor and Coordinator, that is University of Debrecen ( Hungary) and Baikal State University of Economics and Law ( Russia).
The local coordinators and project managers of all the Universities/Institutions will manage the realisation of the project by organising project activities, selecting qualified staff members to participate, controlling of duty performance and evaluating achievements.
New Reports: